Unlimited: We Live By Serving Others
Dec 20, 2021 1553

Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another (John 13:34, NIV).
Yankel, a Jew living in New York, tells the story of how he survived the nightmare train journey in a boxcar to Auschwitz. When night came, it was freezing, deathly cold. There was an elderly man sitting next to him whom Yankel recognised from his hometown. He was shivering from head to toe, and looked terrible. So Yankel wrapped his arms around him and began rubbing him to warm him up, begging him to hang on. He did this all night.
When morning came, Yankel saw to his horror, that all around him were frozen bodies. Only two people had survived: the old man and Yankel. The old man survived because Yankel had kept him warm, and Yankel survived because he was warming him.
We live by serving others. There is no other way.
There is Kingdom life in the commandment of Christ to love one another (John 13:34; see also Luke 6:31). The first law of the Kingdom is selfless love, and the greatest manifestation of this is through service. Just like that boxcar, this world can be a dark and cold place. We live by serving others. There is no other way (Mark 10:45).
By serving others we share life with others. By serving others we enjoy the truest life ourselves. The Master has gone before and shown us the way. Now we must follow. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Reflection: Those who don’t serve others – who don’t give and don’t share – don’t live. If you are able, make a point of unloosing the chains of selfishness in your life by giving to someone in need, or to a worthy charity, above and beyond what you are doing now.
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