Unlimited: What is Most Important?
Sep 9, 2019 2306
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ (I Corinthians 12:12, NIV).
Stress is the pressure from outside that makes us feel tense inside. Why can’t we avoid stress? Because it is the inevitable friction that comes from two things rubbing together. And all day we are rubbing and being rubbed by people and things.
Keep in mind that most of our stresses (apart from those which are self-caused by selfishness, fear, over ambition, greed, etc.) are triggered by people.
Both in the family and on the job, we are to live by the teachings of the New Testament. “We are members one of another,” “all one in Christ Jesus,” brothers and sisters “for whom Christ died.” Therefore, this principle, that people are more important than things, can be a lifesaver in averting unnecessary tensions.
Too many or too drastic changes or pressures inevitably result in harmful tension and possible breakdown. If this is the case, then we must find wisdom to cope with such “triggers” as personal loss, illness, injury, life-style changes, job changes, money problems, family upheavals, retirement, guilt, and disappointment.
Let me encourage you. Life was meant to revolve around love. It is the greatest protecting buffer against the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. God revealed the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. Here, God came to his people and we find the real secret of love.
He came again to His people in love that is manifested in the redemption only through Jesus.
– Des Ford (adapted)
Eli’s Reflection: What is causing you stress today? Keep in mind that the people in your life are more valuable than the things in your life. How can this truth inform your stress? God’s presence is available to you today. Seek Him.
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