Unlimited: Who Will Bring Any Charge Against You?

Feb 13, 2023 622

Unlimited: Who Will Bring Any Charge Against You?

Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? (Romans 8:33a).

Paul asks this question in a legal sense. There are none who can legally charge any of God’s chosen with any wrongdoing.

The word that Paul uses that is here translated as “bring any charge against” is a legal word. It is also used in Acts 19:38, from which we can see that the word means “to press charges”.

There are none who can legally charge any of God’s chosen with any wrongdoing.

Paul is not meaning to say that we aren’t guilty, because he has already established that we certainly are: the whole world is guilty before God (Rom. 3:19.) What Paul is telling you is that even though there are many charges that could have been brought against you, no one in the entire universe will ever dare to do so, because you have been chosen by God. God has shown his love to you by giving his Son so that you may stand acquitted and blameless before him. In the face of the unspeakably vast sacrifice of God for your forgiveness, how would anyone ever dare to bring up your sins against you ever again?

There will be times when the evil one will bring to your memory the shame of your past. When that happens you must remember that

If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts… (1 John 3:20.)

Spiritual Application

Does your heart condemn you at times? Write 1 John 3:20 somewhere that is special for you, and where you will be able to find it when you need it.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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