Unlimited: The Wounds of Jesus Bring Peace

Feb 5, 2017 1823

Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After He said this, He showed them His hands and side (John 20:19–20).

Please note the meaning of Jesus’ first words to His disciples after His resurrection.
His first word, “Peace,” reminds us of the many “fear nots” of the gospel. At the birth of Jesus, the angels come to the shepherds and say, “Fear not, we bring you good tidings of great joy that will be to all people.” When the disciples are on the sea in the storm, Jesus appears and says, “Fear not.”When the stone is rolled away from the tomb, the angel’s words are, “Fear not, He is not here for He is risen.”

There are three hundred and sixty-five “fear nots” in Holy Writ, one for every day of the year. When he says, “Peace,” he’s saying the same thing.

Please notice the grounds on which Jesus can say to these guilty men and women, like you and me, “Peace be unto you.” The answer is, “He showed them His hands and His feet.” In the wounds of Jesus Christ and there only can peace be found: In the awareness that all our sins have been paid for – in the assurance that all guilt has been wiped out for those who believe, because He has endured all that the broken law calls for.

There is only one place of peace, and that’s in the wounds of Jesus. – Des Ford

Eli’s Reflection: I have discovered this to be true for myself, but have you? If you are facing trouble in your life and would like to explore this further, or if you want to understand this better, find a Christian pastor or teacher and make a time to speak together and pray together, to find out how it is that the wounds of Jesus can bring peace to your life.

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