Unlimited: You Are Justified Through Faith Alone

Aug 31, 2021 1592

Unlimited: You Are Justified Through Faith Alone

Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness (Genesis 15:6, NIV).

That’s the pattern for all of us. Abraham was not declared righteous because of any of his good works, although he had done many. Neither did ceremonial nor ritualistic works justify him, for he was declared righteous before his circumcision.

Nor was he justified on the ground of his faith, for it was yet imperfect. Had he not, prior to this, distrusted God and lied concerning Sarah? Did he not, after his justification, fail as regards Hagar? Abraham was not justified as a result of his fragile faith.

Abraham was justified as a result of the coming Seed, Jesus. Faith was but the hand that received. Faith is not the basis of God’s gift. All are justified by means of faith, that is, through faith; but not because of, or as a result of, faith. Justification through faith means justification through Jesus.

It is through faith that you are justified.

And how we all need justification! Not one of us is what we should be, could be, or would be. The perfect law demands not merely perfect outward performance but perfect attitude of heart, perfect motives from a perfect heart. These we have not to offer. Can a penitent murderer’s reformation render him not guilty of his cruel crime?

The reward has to be all of grace. Therefore, it is through faith and faith alone. – Des Ford (adapted)

Reflection: When you take off your “pious glasses” and look at Abraham’s life, his life actually could be seen as one of continual failure, caused by unbelief. Why do you think that the Apostle Paul uses Abraham as his key example of faith and of how we are justified? What lessons can you take away for your own life?

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