Unlimited: You Belong To God

Mar 2, 2025 990

Unlimited: You Belong To God

You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 RSV).

The answer from Scripture to man’s claim of self-ownership is clear, unequivocal and final. We are not our own because we were bought. We were delivered, if we will accept it. God’s own Son valued us so highly that he would not leave us in the darkness of the shadow of condemnation and death. By his own agonies he saves us from our agonies, if we will let him.

My life is not my own, nor are my moments, talents, opportunities or health. They are all held in trust. To rightly use them is the rent for the space I occupy here on earth.

Why was Christ forsaken at the ancient cross? He was forsaken that we might forsake our habit of fleeing from the cross of life and the cross of the Gospel, which, if lifted, ultimately will lift us. For the cross of service, when embraced, becomes as wings to a bird and as sails to a ship. The sighs of Calvary, through the magic alchemy of our loving, Heavenly Father, ultimately become transfigured into the songs of Paradise.

We belong to God – every cell, every talent, every capacity for thought, feeling, and action. Those who accept the sacrificial principle of the Cross will find that instead of weight it will become wings.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: Is there something in your life that you especially think is yours, and that is difficult for you to share? Consider carefully the thoughts in this devotion. Prayerfully think about how you can take that thing you hold so close to you, and use it for God’s service, sharing it with others. 

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Kagenda simon

Jan 27, 2020

One day I think by the mercy of xrst will be someone special in da house if God let me continue allowing lord enter my life and destiny

jese qalirea

Jan 27, 2020

Wow!! Very inspiring.You start my day with a bang!!The part which says,"For the Cross of service, when embraced, becomes as wings to a bird and as sails to a ship."God bless you all.

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