Unlimited: You Can Hang On in the Tough Times
Jul 23, 2020 2152
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials (l Peter 1:6 NIV).
I’m glad Peter wrote that verse. I wouldn’t feel I was a Christian but for that verse. No one is jubilant all the time. If they are, there’s something wrong. Real life is tough. Real life has many hard knocks, and at times we are in heaviness.
The Christian remembers that it’s OK for the ship to be in the sea; it’s just not good for the sea to be in the ship. It’s OK to be in the storm, but never let the stormy waters get into you. You can be in very hard times and yet have joy in the thrill that you know everything’s going to be all right in the end.
The Christian is like that. You remember the African-American pastor preaching about Calvary: “That was Friday, but Sunday’s acomin’!” He had the key. When you are in pain, you can say, “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s acomin’!” You can say, “I may be on a cross now, but it’s not always going to be like this.”
The Cross of Christ is a wonderful paradigm of what everybody’s life is at times: limited, painful, naked, and without strength. At those times, remember: That’s Friday, but Sunday’s a comin’!
– Des Ford (adapted)
Eli’s Reflection:Do you know of someone who is living in a “Friday” time in some area of their lives? Do something to encourage them to hang on until “Sunday” comes.
Stephen kasasi
Jul 24, 2020
Your words are good