Unlimited: You Can Trust a Weeping Saviour
Apr 9, 2019 1867
When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (Matthew 9:16, NLB).
Only twice in the Gospels are we told that Jesus wept. During his sufferings there is no record of a groan or a single trickling tear. All his laments are for others—for us.
We are told, in relation to his final journey to Jerusalem, that,
As he approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it – Luke 19:41 NIV.
As the procession reached the brow of the hill, and Jerusalem and its temple came into view, the King, instead of exulting, wept. What a scene!
Possibly, it was the blind he had healed who led the procession. Perhaps it was the dumb to whom he had given voice, who proclaimed the loudest hosannas. Maybe the cleansed lepers laid their unstained garments in his path. It has even been suggested that Lazarus himself led the donkey on which Christ rode.
But, right at the time when the carping leaders demanded that he silence the cheering crowds, Christ breaks into loud cries of grief and utters words of sorrow.
Here Christ shows us the heart of God and the essence of his gospel—love for the lost. We can trust a weeping Saviour. His tears should banish our fears. Soon his whole body will be enveloped in a bloody sweat because of the weight of our sins upon him. This is the only weeping God known to man. He is the only wounded deity. – Des Ford
Reflection – Jesus says, “Just as I have loved you, you should love each other” – John 13:34 NLT. Think of someone today who you know is going through a time of difficulty or sadness. Why don’t you go today and support them with kind words and the gift of your time?
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