Unlimited: Your Heavenly Father Sees You From Afar
Aug 27, 2021 1400

While he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him (Luke 15:20, NLT).
While swimming at a surf beach, I became caught in a current that dragged me towards some jagged rocks. I didn’t fully understand the danger that I was in, but before I knew it, a lifeguard appeared beside me, and he took me back to safety. I had been a long way out from the shore, so he must have seen me through his binoculars.
In the Bible there’s a story of a runaway son. He thought he’d have a better life if he left home, but one day he finally realized what his father’s love meant. And so he started his long journey home.
Your Heavenly Father sees you with love in his eyes.
The boy’s father had never given up on him, and the story says that even while the boy was still a long way off, his dad saw him from far away, and ran out along the road, to throw his arms around him and welcome him home.
This tells us that God sees us. No matter how far you think you are from God, he sees you, and he sees you with love in his eyes. Your Heavenly Father waits for you, with a loving welcome, and acceptance and joy.
We have a Father who sees us from afar, and saves us from our foolishness. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Reflection: Take some time to read the whole Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32) in a translation that you find easy to understand. Pray. Now reflect on this question, applying it to yourself personally: “In what ways does this story transform my understanding of God?”
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