“Untouchable” Children Receive New Clothes – Nandiwada, India

Jan 10, 2016 1584

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The children of the Good News Children’s Centre joyfully received their new clothes. Click the picture at the bottom of this story to watch the video.

We have given clothes to the children of the Good News Children’s Care Centre, in Nandiwada, India. With great faith in Jesus, my relatives in the city have donated some clothes, which have been given in addition to clothes we have bought with our own money.

Nandiwada is a designated untouchable colony, and there are children who do not have proper clothes and their parents are too poor to buy new clothes for them.

The clothes that they wear every day are poor second hand clothes.  To come to the Good News Children’s Centre they wear their best clothes because it is a great honour to attend for this ceremony. Some poor members of the community were also given clothes.

For the first time in their lives they receiving the new clothes. They are so so happy and we can see joy of Jesus in their faces. Even they are jumping for joy. It is an encouragement for the children to receive new clothes.

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. The kingdom of God belongs to them.”  So it is a great pleasure and honor to give the children new clothes.

Click video at the bottom of this story to watch the video. – Joseph Usala

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