Vijaya’s Testimony: How Jesus Took Away Her Depression

Jun 16, 2021 1254

Vijaya’s Testimony: How Jesus Took Away Her Depression

Jesus took away her depression with the help of GNU!

The love of Jesus can give hope to those who struggle with depression. Vijaya is 62 years and lives in a village named Srinivasapuram in India. She was born and brought up in a Muslim family and she and her parents and grandparents did not know about Jesus.

She was married and had one daughter who married and went away. Her husband had left her a long time before. So she has been left alone in the house and no one is there to look after her and take care of her.

Vijaya went to her relative’s house. There she stayed for one week and she accepted Jesus by watching GNU Gospel TV program on Pravachan Television: from Gudiwada, Andhra Pradesh, India. There she came to know about Jesus.

Took Away Her Depression

Jesus Took Away Her Depression!

Jesus gave her the hope that took away her depression, and she is happy now!

Vijaya was in depression due to her daughter leaving her and some health problems. So by watching GNU program and hearing the Holy Gospel she felt so happy and daily pray to Jesus and she came out of the depression. She is now so happy in Christ.

She has been living in the house where no one is there. She comes to pray weekly and listens to the Holy Gospel.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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