The Vision Of Patmos Part 2 To 6

Nov 13, 2014 2253

by Dr Desmond Ford

Part 2

the visions of patmos 2

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The book of Revelation written by John on· the Isle of Patmos where he had been exiled by the Roman emperor of his day, is not only the seal but the sphinx of Scripture. Revelation is the least read and the most misunderstood book of the whole Bible. No other portion is so puzzling~ yet, so full of promise, so actually difficult, yet,
avowedly plain, so hated and so loved as this book written from the rocky exile prison of John, the beloved.

Part 3

the visions of patmos 3

Today we continue our study of the visions of Patmos, the prophecies of the last book of the New Testament. I would like to point out a vital principle of interpretation. Many who attempt to explain the prophetic visions of the Bible’s last book scare their readers or their listeners. They create fear, panic, rather than hope.

Part 4

the visions of patmos 4

There are some letters which all people receive which they would like to burn, then there are other letters which you and I sometimes wrap with ribbon and keep for a life time. What would you do with a personal letter from the President of the United States or from the Queen of England? Well, the last book of the Bible contains seven very personal letters.

Part 5

the visions of patmos 5

We come today to the prophecy of the seven seals. Who has not heard of the apocalyptic horsemen? It is in Revelation chapter 6 and we read the following graphic prophecy: “Now I saw, when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, I heard one of the four living creatures say as with the voice of thunder, ‘Come,’ and I saw and behold a white horse and its rider had a bow and a crown was given to him and he went out conquering and to conquer.

Part 6

the visions of patmos 6

The strangest prophecies of the Bible are found in the third prophetic chain of Revelation–the prophecy of the seven trumpets. We have already considered the letters to the seven churches and the seven seals.


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