Walk On Water

Oct 8, 2019 1751

Radio Version:

Walk on Water

I grew up in the weird and wonderful seventies. It was a time of amazing fads. It was the disco era, with afros, roller skates, and pet rocks.

One of these fads was inflatable water shoes. I kid you not. They were meant to let you walk on water, but they never worked for me. Another fad consigned to the dust-bin of history!

The apostle Peter is the only person who has actually literally walked on water. When Jesus called him from across the water, he just trusted in Jesus and stepped out of the boat.

How many people have missed out on the most exhilarating moments of their lives because they refused to answer God’s call? But you only get to walk on water when you respond.

You don’t get to experience the best of life by staying in the boat.

It happens when you trust in Jesus and respond to his call. Remember: You can walk on water today!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Walk On Water

Trust in Jesus and answer his call.

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