Walk on Water Today!
Aug 27, 2018 2206

When did you last walk on water? You can walk on water today!
Walking on water means to get on top of the things that drag you down. It means to get through the storms of life. It means to do the impossible. And that’s what life often feels like: impossible. I’m sure that you can think of at least one challenging issue in your life that you feel you cannot overcome.
Peter is the only person who has ever literally walked on water. When he saw Jesus coming to him through the darkness and the waves, he called out,
“Lord, if it’s you… tell me to come to you on the water.”
“Come,” he said (Matt 14:28–29, NIV).
Peter knew that if the Lord called him to walk on water, that he would be safe. He knew that God’s every call is an empowerment, and his every command is a promise. Jesus did call him, and so Peter walked on water:
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus (v.29).
How many people have missed out on the most exhilarating moments of their lives because they refused to answer God’s call? But you only get to walk on water when you obey.
You don’t get to experience the exhilarating joy of the Kingdom of God by staying in the boat.
However, the story didn’t end there. From the safety of the boat, Peter had enough faith to believe that he could do it, but after he had stepped out, and his faith was tested by the terrifying waves and wind. Peter’s faith wavered:
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” (v.30).
It’s unfair that Peter gets a bad reputation because of this episode. The truth is that our faith will often waver. We are all like Peter. Our best intentions are too often dashed by our humanity.
But Peter knew that only Jesus could save him, and the Lord Jesus never delays in answering a cry such as his:
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (Matt. 14:28–31, NIV).
It may be surprising that the Lord rebuked Peter for having “little faith.” After all, he was the only one who actually stepped out of the boat, while his companions cowered in fear within. But Jesus wants us to always increase our faith in him. He wants us to not only have the faith to begin, but the faith to finish what he has called us to do.
When Jesus calls you to walk on water you can achieve the impossible through faith in him.
Chuck Swindoll has said that, “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”
When Jesus calls you to walk on water you can achieve the impossible through faith in him. Your walk may not be perfect; at times you may even sink beneath the waves. However faith, even faith as small as a mustard seed, is what you need to walk on water today. And Jesus will always be there to reach out with his hand when you stumble.
Others may remain in the security of the boat, but that’s not where the most exhilarating joy of the Kingdom of God is found. If you make Jesus your security he will enable you to accomplish the impossible through faith in him.
Think about the challenges that are facing you. Are you trusting in the Lord to walk on water today?
Eventually Peter learnt to completely trust in Jesus. And so must we. Don’t wait. Walk on water today.
– Eliezer Gonzalez (Inspired by Ritchie Way)

An interesting and spiritually uplifting text. Thanks for increasing my FAITH to'walk on water'
Be blessed! We all need encouragement. – Eliezer
Faith is something unseen but felt when we fail and weak in our christianlife. Thank you for the encoragment spiritually.
Thank you for the words of encouragement, l know my faith will grow fast in the name of Jesus.
God bless you! I know some English language,but Jesus can all things, I believes in him.
Thank you God for not letting me sink in the water as a result of my little faith in you!!
Sure, God is always stretching his hand to reach us before we stumble
Eliezer Gonzalez
Sep 9, 2018
Yes, the Word of Good is full of fuel for our faith! :) – Eliezer