Was Jesus Illegitimate?

Jun 7, 2017 2760

Radio Version:

Was Jesus Illegitimate?

Back in Jesus’ day, there was a lot of stigma attached to being what they used to call “illegitimate.”  And I’m sure Joseph had a lot to worry when he agreed to marry Mary, who was already pregnant.

Because of the unusual circumstances of his birth, Jesus was accused from the very beginning of having been born illegitimately. The Gospels in the Bible aren’t afraid of recording the accusations, and these rumours continued throughout the history of early Christianity.

He never claimed to be the son of Joseph, but instead he claimed to be the legitimate Son of God.

We live in a culture that rejects the legitimacy of Jesus in a million ways. But here’s the thing, your own legitimacy and destiny depends upon Christ’s. Because if Jesus really was the Son of God, then the gates of heaven have been opened wide for you, and all who believe in him.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Was Jesus Illegitimate?

Was Jesus illegitimate? He never claimed to be the son of Joseph, but instead he claimed to be the legitimate Son of God.

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Eliezer Gonzalez

Aug 2, 2019

Katherine, thanks for adding that important insight about what still goes on in our own day!


Aug 1, 2019

It’s not just “back in Jesus’s day”, it’s still exactly the same today with thousands of women having abortions in the Middle East every year to get rid of illegitimate children who would have no rights or citizenship (if the father abandons them) and not to mention the women also being abandoned by their families. I am the mother of one of those “illegitimate” children, but because I am a westerner I had the option to leave Lebanon and have my child safely in Australia. He is still marked as illegitimate on his papers in Lebanon though.

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