What Gets Your Attention? – Dr Desmond Ford

Aug 29, 2016 1681


Sep 3, 2016

What gets you attention ⚠. By Dr. Desmond Ford. Alot of things can get ones attention. Yes it would be attracting to the eyes and to a heart's desires, but maybe paying attention to God's love by gazing towards the heavens will feed feed the hearts desires.?? I was going through the bible after l talked to my daughter and she brought me to the attention of the book of psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of the lord. And the firmament shows His handwork. Verses 2. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. When l think of the whole chapter psalms. That brings my attention to the Lord and to get to know him, to wanting to get to know the Creator of the universe and. In verse 7, The law of the lord is perfect , converting the soul. The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. In verse 10, More to be desired are they than gold. When I watch the sun during the day, Iam always amazed of how our heavenly father could even plan to give is a light in the day. And when I gaze to the heavens during the night. Loving the moon and the stars ? l am always amazed, the l need to Go and rest. That always brings me to my knees, to thank my heavenly father for having made all things , because of his care and his enduring love. Even when I am distracted by earthly things that vanish, perishes. lam always remind not to dismay, but to endure, yet not easy Again lam always drawn to Psalms 1 Blessed is the man, who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the paths of sinners ....... A great chapter to meditate on. Even when we pay attention to the worldly life and things which are perishable. The lord gives his promise in. 1 Corinthians 10:13.No temptation had overtaken you expect such as common to the ma,, but God is faithful. Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation, will also make the way of escape than you may be able to bear it. The good news is that Christ paid it all at the cross of Calvary. Just trust. And obey!. Let your eyes gaze towards heaven. And let you heart meditate of Gods love. 1 Timothy 6:7 For we brought nothing into the world and it is certain we go carrying nothing out. Thanks to the Good news unlimited. Thank you Dr. Desmond Ford!

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