What Is the Love of God Like?
Feb 17, 2017 3004
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What Is the Love of God Like?
In Romans 5, Paul tells us about the love of God and He compares it to the best kinds of human love.
Would you sacrifice your life for someone…just because they were a good person? What if they were a celebrity? Paul says… some people might.
Bu in Romans 5 he says, God’s love is nothing like this — God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us
Paul is talking here about a greater love than any other love that we can know.
Compared to God’s love, all human love is tainted by selfishness.
God’s Love is not defined by the worth of the loved, but by the character of the Lover. Look into God’s word to learn more about Him. Once you know Him, you’ll never feel unloved again.
Once you know God, you will never feel unloved again.
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