What to Remember and What to Forget

Sep 19, 2022 1128

What to Remember and What to Forget

What to Remember and What to Forget

I’ve got a memory that goes way back to things that happened when I was 2 or 3 years old. But I might just have trouble remembering your name!

Another thing about our memories is that it’s so much easier to remember the bad stuff that’s happened to you, than it is to remember the good. These negative experiences in our past can poison all our relationships and interactions.

That’s why we should focus on remembering the good things.

The Bible tells us that what we should always remember is the goodness of God. It says,

Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits. 

In fact, the devil wants you to remember your sins and forget God’s grace, and God wants you to forget your sins and remember his grace. What I mean is what you focus on. What is going to determine the direction of the rest of your life: your past or God’s grace.

Elizezer Gonzalez

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