What You Aren’t – by Eliezer Gonzalez

Jan 10, 2016 2715

Woman looking in mirror.

Society tells you that you are someone who doesn’t quite fit in. You aren’t.

School tells you that you are someone who didn’t quite make the grade. You aren’t.

Church tells you that you that you are only as good as your ability to meet its expectations. You aren’t.

Parents tell you that you are only a success if you have met their expectations. You aren’t.

Friends tell you that you are only acceptable if you don’t upset anyone. You aren’t.

The police tell you that you are whatever their records say you are. You aren’t.

Employers tell you that you are worth only the time that you can give them. You aren’t.

The mirror tells you that you are only what you see in it. You aren’t.

Your conscience tells you that you are defined by your worst sin. Your worst sin. You aren’t.

You are mighty and invincible in the strength of the Lord. You an heir of the Heavenly King. You are an ambassador of Christ. You belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. You have been bought with a price. You are accounted righteous and pure in Jesus. You have been given the gift of the Spirit. You are seated in heavenly places. You have been granted eternal life and all of God’s riches in glory.

That’s who you are.

You aren’t the who the lies say you are.

You are a child of the Living God.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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