What You Should Say To Yourself
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Apr 26, 2016 1242
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.” – Lam 3:24
In the Old Testament, the word “portion” is one of the most powerful metaphors for the blessing that believers in God possess. The word has many meanings, referring to an inheritance, plunder after a battle, or a share of a meal.
In each case, the “portion” is something that you receive as a gift. It is something that is given to you. And it refers to what is yours – the “portion” is the totality of what you receive.
A portion of food can be very good. A portion of land is wonderful. A portion of money can be great. But over and over again the phrase that is used in the Bible is that “the Lord is my portion.”
Imagine that! To receive God as a gift, unexpected and free! To have as your God the Lord who gives you not “things,” but himself completely! And truly, God gave himself through Jesus Christ as heaven’s perfect gift to you.
That’s why the Psalmist sings,
Whom have I in heaven but you, Lord, and earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever (Psalm 73:26-26).
What’s your self-talk like? Go on, tell youself, “The Lord is my portion today. He has given himself for me, and today, by accepting him, I have everything I need.”
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