What’s Your Lentils

Apr 15, 2014 3319

Lentils-1024x767Here’s a picture of a lentil stew I made a couple of days ago. It looks good, doesn’t it! And it tasted even better!

In the story found in Genesis 25:29–34, Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. Esau was in line to inherit everything, but he gave it all away because he came home hungry.

His brother Jacob, who was more of a homebody, had been busy cooking, and he had a pot of lentil stew on the fire. Jacob, being a crafty fellow, bargained with Esau for plate of the lentil stew. And Esau offered him his birthright, and a deal was struck. And Esau didn’t give it a moment’s thought – at least not then – he was too busy enjoying that wonderfully tasty stew.

As a result of that fatal decision, a whole lot of trouble has come our way. Think of the conflict between Israel and the Arabic world. Yes, you guessed it. It all goes back to a pot of lentils!

What’s your birthright? Your birthright is sin and shame and death. It’s yours because that was what you inherited by just being born into the human race.

But if you have been born again in Christ, your birthright is entirely different! It’s righteousness and love and life! All things are yours through Jesus Christ. You’re not only an heir of God, but a joint heir of Jesus Christ himself! You can read about it in Romans 8.

Every one of us has something for which we would be tempted to give up our birthright. Face it, reject it, and keep standing in faith and looking upward to your prize in Jesus Christ!

What’s your lentils?

They’re not worth eternity.

Eliezer Gonzalez


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