When God Blinks – Eliezer Gonzalez

Sep 6, 2016 3075


Eliezer Gonzalez, CEO of Good News Unlimited

Dear Friend,

I want you to do an experiment. Stop reading and close your left eye. Bring your right index finger slowly towards the pupil of your right eye. Keep going, further in. What happened? Did you blink to protect your eye? I did.

 [T]his is what the Lord Almighty says… whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye (Zechariah 2:8).

That’s how much God loves you. Whoever touches you is touching the pupil of his eye. And you should see how God blinks! God blinks to intervene to save you from what can harm you, to save you from yourself. He loves you so much that at the cross he blinked for three days.

And that’s why we pray, because God blinks. Prayer is our lifeline to God. That’s how we communicate. I know that I am weak and sinful in my own flesh, yet I know that in the Lord I stand strong. How about you?

Here at GNU, we are obsessed with prayer. We have to be, given the work that we do and who we represent, as well as the attacks that we have to withstand.

Hundreds of people send in their prayer requests every year, so we can pray with them. If you would like to join our worldwide team of Prayer Warriors, please send me an email at [email protected]. You will receive an automatic email notification of every prayer request we receive, so that we can together form a great circle of prayer around the world. Why? Because when God blinks, wonderful things happen!

Grace and Peace,

Eliezer Gonzalez

Eliezer Gonzalez

Sep 26, 2016

Hi John I have asked our webmaster to try to work out what is going wrong and why you aren't receiving our devotionals. Thanks for your patience. Grace and peace Eliezer

John hosea

Sep 24, 2016

Still waiting for the devotions

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