When Jesus Blessed All the Wrong People

Jun 5, 2018 2242

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When Jesus Blessed All the Wrong People

Did Jesus get it wrong? Did he actually bless the wrong people?

When we think about who the people with the blessings are, we think about people with money, nice cars, a big house, and all the material things. Or perhaps we think about people who are good-looking, or who have happy, shiny families.

So why did Jesus bless all the wrong people in his famous Sermon on the Mount? There, he blesses poor in spirit, those who mourn, and he blesses the humble. He says that they’re the ones with the blessing.

I think it’s because the “right” people didn’t think they needed Jesus. They felt secure with their money, their stuff, their friends, and their health.

And the people who get the blessing are the people who accept it. That’s why Jesus apparently blesses all the wrong people. Because in the end, the wrong people, by accepting him, become the right people.

Eliezer Gonzalez 

When Jesus Blessed All the Wrong People

The wrong people, when they accept Jesus, become the right people.

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