When the Blessing Comes
Jun 5, 2018 1720
Radio Version:
When the Blessing Comes
I’ve never been much good at waiting. Like, I just couldn’t wait for my wedding day to come. I even broke a cardinal rule and drove over to see my bride on the day of the wedding while she was getting ready!
Just before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he asked Martha if she believed that her brother would live again. She said that yes, she believed in the resurrection of the dead at the last day. She was expecting God’s blessing in the future.
But Jesus meant right now! Because no matter how good God’s future blessings may be, he always has a blessing for you today.
That blessing may not come in the way that you’ve prayed for or expected. But Christ’s blessings are always better than you could have ever have dreamt. And remember: When you believe in Jesus, the blessings come sooner than you think.

No matter how good God’s future blessings may be, he always has a blessing for you today.
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