When You’re Down

Jun 5, 2018 1575

Radio Version:

When You’re Down

How does Jesus see you when you’re down? I know how I see myself: as alone, worthless, unloved and unlovable, and basically as a failure. But the important thing is not how you see yourself, but how Jesus sees you.

There’s this time in the story of John the Baptist when he finds himself in a dungeon, about to be executed.

John’s feeling rather sorry for himself. He’s doubting and questioning everything he thought he knew.

At that time, but in a different part of the country, Jesus says that John was not only the greatest prophet who ever lived, but that no human being every born was greater than him!

But the question is not how Jesus saw John the Baptist when he was down, but how Jesus sees you when you’re down. When you’re down, Jesus sees the best of you. The rest doesn’t even rate a mention. That’s what happens when you’re a child of God.

Eliezer Gonzalez

when you're down When Youre Down

When you’re down, Jesus sees the very best of you.

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