Where is the Lamb?

Nov 16, 2020 3918

Where is the Lamb

On their way to the fateful sacrifice on Mt Moriah, Isaac asks his father Abraham,

…but where is the Lamb? (Genesis 22:7, NIV).

This is the central question of all of Scripture. If your focus is not on this question, and if you miss the answer, you have missed the whole point of the Bible and of God’s revelation to humanity.

The Lamb is everywhere in Scripture.

In Genesis, the Lamb is the ram caught in the thicket through whom the children of Abraham are spared.

In Exodus, the Lamb is the Passover sacrifice, through whose blood the people of God are saved.

In Leviticus, the Lamb is the heart of the sacrificial service of the sanctuary, through whom atonement is made for the people.

In Isaiah the Lord has laid on the Lamb the iniquity of us all.

In Jeremiah, the gentle Lamb is led to the slaughter and is cut off from the land of the living.

In John, the Lamb of God is announced as the one who takes away the sin of the world.

In Acts, it is reading about the Lamb of God that convicts an Ethiopian eunuch so that he is baptised.

In 1 Corinthians, Christ is the Passover Lamb who has been sacrificed for us.

God himself will provide the Lamb.

In Hebrews, it is the shed blood of the Lamb that through which our sins are forgiven and our lives purified.

In 1 Peter, Christ is the Lamb without blemish and without spot, through whose blood we have been redeemed.

In Revelation, the Lamb who had been slain, is at the centre of the throne. Through his blood, salvation has come, and the Lamb is announced as worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise. 

If you go back to Genesis, to the story of Abraham, when Isaac asked,

…but where is the Lamb? (Genesis 22:7),

his father answered,

…God himself will provide the lamb… (v.8). 

This is literally the crux of the issue. (The word “crux” means “cross”). This is the whole message of Scripture.

Where is the Lamb? The Lamb is everywhere in Scripture? The Lamb is everywhere in salvation. The Lamb is everywhere in your life. The Lamb is everywhere if you will only open your spiritual understanding and see him.

You need only look up, as Abraham did.

If you open the Bible and see good advice; I ask you, “Where is the Lamb?”

If you open the Bible and see interesting history; I ask you, “Where is the Lamb?”

If you open the Bible and see fascinating prophecies; I ask you, “Where is the Lamb?”

If you open the Bible and see important doctrines; I ask you, “Where is the Lamb?”

And, if you are going through a really tough time right now, I ask you the same question.

For the Lamb of Calvary is God’s ultimate answer to every human struggle and dilemma. Every other question in life and faith is secondary to the question, “Where is the Lamb?”

God himself has provided it. You need only look up, as Abraham did (Gen 22:13, and you will see the Lamb of God.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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Tee Mazura

Dec 20, 2020

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.


Nov 22, 2020

Wonderful meditation for today. Thank you Eliezer.

Greig Lipman

Nov 22, 2020

Wonderful;Awesome. “I am undone ..for i am a sinful man”


Nov 22, 2020


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