Which Part of Nothing Don’t You Understand?

Jun 11, 2014 3497

By Bilyana de Soto

Calvary-Cross-Pics-0508God in Christ has done something absolutely and completely independent of you and me and without consultation with, or input by any other human being on this planet.  In fact even before the creation of this earth and life on it as we know it, God put into the very stars the precise moment that Jesus would die on the cross.  What if the star of Bethlehem and the three hours of darkness are real astronomical events?

In a most fascinating look at the astronomical phenomena surrounding both the birth and death of Christ, Rick Larson reveals indisputable astronomical data showing that from the very instant when “God flung the universe into existence, he also knew the moment he would enter human history in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. He marked it in the stars. And from before the beginning of time as we experience it, God knew the very moment when Messiah would breathe his last on the cross.” (Rick Larson, The Star)

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his son… to redeem… (Gal 4:7)

Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come…” (John 7:4)

For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. (John 3:1)

Were you there when they crucified the Lord?  Not you and not I.  It was God in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.  I had nothing to do with that moment in history.  You had nothing to do with that moment of reconciliation.  It’s as if ever since God has been asking you and me – which part of nothing don’t you understand?

Some Christian persuasions seem positively offended by the fact that God chose to do EVERYTHING and that they can add absolutely zero to that which Christ accomplished on their behalf.  Let’s not be of that persuasion. To God belongs the glory of giving and to us the gratitude for the receiving of his priceless gift of Jesus.

Bilyana De Soto

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