Who is the Man?

Oct 11, 2019 1676

Radio Version:

Who is the Man?

I’ve got to admit that I’m not really a digital native, but I’m catching on fast. One thing that I’ve noticed I’ve been doing is that when I hear someone’s name I’ll often whip out my phone and google that person to find out who he or she is.

But have you ever asked yourself who Jesus really was?

This is the question that is at the heart of every one of the accounts of Jesus’ life that we find in the Bible. The disciples ask,

Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!

The leading citizens of Bethany ask each other,

 Who is this who even forgives sins?

When Jesus enters Jerusalem that final time, the whole city asked,

“Who is this?”

They didn’t just ask themselves. They asked Jesus directly:

“Who are you?”

It’s really important to know who Jesus is, and simply googling Jesus won’t satisfy.

Remember: You have to know him for yourself. 

Eliezer Gonzalez

Who is the Man?

You have to know Jesus for yourself.

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