Who Would Give It All Up for You?

Dec 11, 2015 1705

And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Ephesians 5:2).

There are lots of great stories out there of bravery and sacrifice. So I got thinking about the question of “Who would give it all up for me?”

Why would they do it? Would it be because you were useful or valuable to them in some way? Would they do it willingly or because they were ordered to do it, like for example, someone in the army (although those two things aren’t necessarily opposite). Would it be a spur of the moment thing, like rushing into a burning house to save someone, or would it be a cool, calculated decision?

If that were to happen to me, how would I value and honour what that person gave up for me? I guess the value of what they gave up would depend on who they were, the risk they took, and what they had to lose.

Jesus has already given it all up for you – so you don’t have to wonder about it. It’s been done. The life and death of Jesus is not a myth – it’s historical fact!

Why did he do it? Just because he straight out loved you just the way you are, and he saw potential in you that no one else could see.

He gave it all up – risked it all – to do it. Jesus is God. He made himself a man so he could be your brother. And then intentionally risked it all by dying where you deserved to die. He did all that so that you would one day have the chance to discover how much he loves you.

How do you honour that sort of love? He said,

Whoever comes to me I will never drive away… the one who believes has eternal life – John 6:37.

By believing and coming to Jesus – that’s how… and that’s good news!

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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