Why Believe? – by Desmond Ford
- Bible
- Bible study
- Christian Evidences
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Dr Desmond Ford
- Faith
- Gospel
- Grace
- Jesus
- Love
- Salvation
Apr 7, 2016 2554

Our Lord Jesus was no pessimist. He was, however, a perfect realist. He said that in the last days, people’s hearts would fail them for fear for looking after those things coming on the earth. He said there will be a time of trouble such as never was, a tribulation so intense that unless God shortened the days, no flesh would be saved. (See Luke 21:26; Matthew 24:21-22 KJV.)
Jesus was a realist. Christians must be, too. If we can’t identify the disease, we’ll never be timely with the remedy.
Here is one of the most well-known passages of Scripture:
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (John 14:1)
The solution to the troubles, the temptations, the doubts, and the pressures of life is here in these words of Jesus. The word “believe” is found approximately 100 times in this single book, the Gospel of John. Almost every one of the 21 chapters in John has the word “believe.”
The word “believe” is found approximately 100 times in the Gospel of John.
Let not your hearts be troubled. It’s true there is an Ebola virus. It’s true there is AIDS. It’s true there is death on the highway. It’s true there is tragedy in the home. It’s true there’s alcoholism and crime and political corruption-and religious scandals, too. It’s all true. But, “Let not your hearts be troubled.”
Jesus says,
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)
Our hearts will be troubled and they will be afraid if we let them. But if we look at what we have in Christ, our hearts need not be troubled even in this trouble-filled world. In the world, trouble. In Christ, peace. And so we turn to the topic of WHY BELIEVE?
– Des Ford. John 16:33. Adapted from “The Miracle of Planet Earth, Vol 1.”
Apr 7, 2016
Why believe" by Dr. Desmond Ford Faith in Christ is the only hope for mankind. If we look around the world, all we see is diseases, wars, less of love and care. Dr.D Ford! I was touched, when i heard you repeating 1 Corinthians 13. Which teaches and us and explain the meaning of love. The scriptures as you say warns us of luck of faith and luck of love in the last days. This will affect even Gods elect as mentioned in Mathew 24:22, but for their sake. The days were shorted, therefore we need Christ am from now on. We faith in him. We need to bring others in the same fold in so that we can stand and walk together through this highway of faith mentioned in Isaiah 35:8-10 A highway shall be there and a road.. How do find this highway? In Philippians 3:7-8 by counting all earthly things as rubbish. We shall withstand the trials and tribulations so that we may gain Christ to be on our side. In Romans 8: 18. For the suffering of anything at anytime, can never be compared to the Glory that awaits us if we endure through Christ in faith. Therefore we need to trust and obey. Pauline DENMARK AMEN ?