Why I Choose King Jesus – by Eliezer Gonzalez
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- Dr Eliezer Gonzalez
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- Jesus
Nov 11, 2015 2662
There are many ways that you can choose to live your life. Here is why I choose to follow and serve King Jesus.
I choose King Jesus because he rules above all. There is no one above him, and there is no one beside him. Every other power in heaven, on earth, or in hell is beneath him. Everything that we consider powerful on this earth will bow and bend at his presence. I admit that in and of myself I have no power. My weakness needs the power of King Jesus. That’s why I choose to follow King Jesus.
I choose King Jesus because he is glorious. The powerful on the earth cover themselves with the trappings of wealth and bling. Those who follow these things are following fakes. King Jesus needs no such things to impress me. He is glorious! His glory is his unwavering character of perfect righteousness, and all-covering mercy and compassion for all those who admit their need and choose him. His glory shines out and covers all who accept him with light. I admit my shame and I need his glory. That’s why I choose King Jesus.
I choose King Jesus because he has conquered the grave. Every president, prime minister, ruler or king that has ever existed has died. No matter how powerful they may have seemed, death showed them to be powerless. I too must face death. But I will do it with no fear because I choose King Jesus – because he has conquered death for all who follow him.
I choose King Jesus because he loved me first. Every other so-called powerful person I know wants my applause or my vote before they will do anything for me. But Jesus loved me first. He didn’t just speak his love for me, he bled it out at Calvary. It would be the greatest betrayal, the greatest dishonour, and the greatest crime if I did not love back. What King Jesus has done for me leaves me no choice but to follow and to serve him.
That’s how I choose to live my life. And I know that my confidence will not be misplaced, betrayed or fall short in any way.
King Jesus – I am yours.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
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