Do the Work of Jesus Together With Us

Jan 22, 2018 1192

Do the Work of Jesus Together With Us

“God is teaching me through GNU” – Vadim

There is no higher calling in this world than to do the work of Jesus. And when you partner with GNU, that’s just what you are doing.

Jesus went out of his way to find and befriend the lowest, the helpless, and the outcasts of the world. He did it because he loved them, and in him, they found not only a better life, but eternal life itself.

What a privilege we have to be able to participate in this work!

GNU needs $39,000 this February to continue sharing the Gospel in Ukraine and other countries, with the outcasts and rejects of society.

Vadim, from Ukraine, is 27 years old. In his teens he became addicted to ice. He didn’t want anything to do with God, because he had been taught that he was harsh and vindictive.

After Vadim attacked his own mother, he made one last attempt to get help. He knows it was God who guided him to the rehab centre supported by GNU. There, he was able to learn about the love and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Vadim is able to say,

Now, I can see God’s hand in my life. I am glad that he will not remember my past. Staying clean from drugs is difficult for me, and I am afraid. But I believe that I am going to do it, and I ask God to help me to stop being afraid.

I know that there are many worthy charities out there. From speaking with many of you, I know that many of the financial supporters of GNU are big-hearted and generous. I know that you support many charities, and do much good in the world. And that is how it should be.

There certainly are many options. You can provide shelter
for the homeless, feed the hungry, help fund research into disease, help make sure that animals are treated humanely. All this work is important.

However, do not neglect what is most important of all. When you help lift someone up out of the gutter of life, and give them the assurance of eternal life through Jesus Christ, you are doing the very work of Jesus. Vadim says,

God has helped me to stop taking drugs, and he is teaching me through GNU. Please pray for me.

Will you pray for Vadim? Will you partner with us in this appeal so that we may do the work of Jesus together, for the love of Jesus Christ? He says,

Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me (Matthew 25:40).

You can’t personally be in Ukraine, or in all the countries in which GNU shares the Good News of Jesus. But we are one body in Christ. So let us be your hands and feet in Christ, and let us together do the work of Jesus. To do that, please click on this link to support this work today.

Grace and peace in Jesus

Eliezer Gonzalez, Senior Pastor, Good News Unlimited

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