Worship in Spirit and Truth – by Tom Durst

Jan 17, 2016 4254

WorshipBut the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:23, 24.

The subject of worship is central to all of Scripture, beginning in Genesis and ending in Revelation. It was the issue that God continually found against Israel. It was the key to the devil’s temptations of Christ, and it was the charge the religious leaders brought against Jesus. And in the final days of earth’s history, true worship will be the test of all humanity.

The perfect example of worship is found in the mouths of those who dwell in heaven and worship God. Their worship is an acknowledgement of God, to God. Their words ring out in adoration to their Creator, in the simple truth of who God is.

John provides the key to worship when he says that we must worship in spirit and truth. The gospel writers show Jesus reproving those who magnified external appearances of worship, while exalting those who were able to do so meaningfully and humbly.

Worship is primarily an attitude, and while we physically engage in singing, lifting our hands, bowing before God or crying out to him, only God can perceive the heart or spirit we worship with. For our Heavenly Father to seek us, we need to spiritually humble ourselves before his throne and cry out in adoration, praising God our Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer, Healer and King.

– Tom Durst. Used with permission from the Union With God Devotional Forum

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