Worthwhile Desperation

May 18, 2021 2114

Worthwhile Desperation

Worthwhile Desperation

Looking back, I can see now that growing up, I was always desperate to have my father’s love and approval.

What are you desperate for in life? Some people are desperate for financial security. Or is it your career ambitions?

What drove the apostle Paul was desperation. But it wasn’t for wealth or fame. He said,

I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death (Phil 3:10).

Many followers of Jesus will tell you that that want to receive the power of Jesus, but how many want participate in his sufferings?

But the heart of God is a suffering heart. It suffers for those who suffer. It breaks with love for the pain and the injustice in the world. It comes down and suffers with humanity, and not just for humanity. 

Remember: If you want to know God you need to experience his heart.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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