Yesupadem Gives All He Has for the Gospel, Vendandapudi, India

Nov 27, 2015 1564


Yesupadem (L) with Pr Joseph (R). Yesu has given everything he has for the cause of the Gospel.

God’s partners in the wonderful work of building halls where the Gospel will be preached are men and women who have very little in this life, but what little they do have, they want to use to help spread the Word fast.

Yesupadem is a 65 year old resident of Venanapudi Colony. Remember Venanapudi. Pastor Joseph first visited with the Good News Bus and people gathered outside on the mats to hear the word of God amplified over the loud speaker.

Yesupadem has been a Christian for many years. He was a young boy when he was orphaned, and with no one to care for him, his schooling ended in the second class. He has been a fisherman all his life. He has been married twice, but both his wives died, and his children left him many years ago. All alone, he has maintained his faith, but it has recently blossomed with the Good News TV program and Pastor Joseph’s mobile evangelistic campaign.

“How wonderful is it to have faith in Jesus!” he says. He reads his Bible and prays every day.

Pastor Joseph first met him when he attended the Gospel meeting in the village. Now Yesupadem has come to Pastor Joseph with an offer. He doesn’t own very much at all, but he has 550 square metres of land, and he now wants to donate as the site for a Good News Hall in the village. He has a small hut on the land where he lives, but he now has a vision for how this land could be used to help spread the Word of the Gospel.

Another building project, and more people on fire for the Gospel, and the Word continues to spread fast in Andhra Pradesh as more people catch on fire for the Gospel in Andhra Pradesh, India.

“Please pray for it,” says Pastor Joseph. It is a small enough request for a great work.

– Eliezer Gonzalez and Joseph Usala

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