You Are God’s Partner in the Gospel Commission
Aug 3, 2018 1212
It doesn’t make sense! God could be doing more! Why doesn’t God make sure that the Gospel reaches lost souls sooner?
It’s because in God’s wise and gracious plan, the spread of the Gospel is intimately tied with its power in the hearts of His children, with the expansion of your heart in love and generosity.
There are few places where your help is more urgently needed than in India. With your help, GNU needs to reach $30,000 through this special appeal to be able to continue our work of sharing the Gospel in India and elsewhere.
This isn’t a marketing letter, it’s a truth letter. And I must tell you that my heart has broken many times when I have had to say “no” to people who need to hear the Gospel, because we haven’t hit our appeal targets recently. It hasn’t been financially possible for us to do more than we are already doing.
So, I am appealing to you, by the mercies of God, to help needy souls hear of Jesus’ grace and love, often for the first time.
Let me tell you about some of GNU’s recent Gospel activities in India, undertaken in partnership with our generous supporters:
You continue to support GNU’s Children’s Care Centres in several “untouchable” Hindu villages. Through these, dozens of families have already turned to Christ. Now the older children who came to these centres five years ago are teaching younger children to read the Bible in their own language. A lovely young girl called Chancumma says,
When I was 6 years old I joined the Good News Children’s Care Centre and learned how to read the holy Bible. I was born as a Hindu and I did not know about the holy Bible. But here I learned about Jesus and how to serve and teach the other children. I give thanks to Jesus.
You continue to support training seminars for pastors in the basics of Christianity, and how to present the Gospel. These are men and women from very poor backgrounds. Many have never completed school, nor had any previous training. Recently 100 pastors from many different churches attended. Pr David Raj,
one of the attendees, says,
It is wonderful to learn to teach and preach the holy Bible – what Jesus told his disciples to do. We love to go to remote villages, to spread the holy Gospel and save souls for Christ Jesus. We are so very thankful for this pastors’ conference. It helps us a lot.
You continue to support GNU’s television programme, which broadcasts to a significant area of the state of Andhra Pradesh, and through which many people have heard the Gospel for the very first time and accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. Bala Raj is one of these people, who says,
I heard the powerful Word of God by watching the GNU TV programme, and my life has completely changed.
I pray that this makes spiritual sense to you. I know that we all seem to be financially limited. Please do not give more than you are able. The Lord wants you to provide for your own essential needs and those of your family first. So, if you cannot give at all, please offer up the gift of prayer. But please give all that you are able.
Let God expand your heart in generosity and love. When you bless others, the Lord also blesses you abundantly. Please click here to help us reach our $30,000 target. Through your gift, we’ll be able to make sure that Word Spreads Fast.
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