You Can’t Bribe God
Jun 8, 2017 2593
Radio Version:
You Can’t Bribe God
I was once going through customs in an Eastern European country, and the officer went meticulously through my suitcase, and he asked me in broken English, “Have you got a gift for me?”
I was so naïve, that at first I didn’t get it. What he wanted was a bribe!
Many people misunderstand Christianity today as a form of bribing God. They think that if they give God something, God might bless them. It’s like,
“If I’m good, then God will save me.”
“If I follow the rules then God will love me.”
Or even
“If I give God some money, then God will heal me.”
You can’t bribe God. All religion that tries to offer God something in exchange for his favour is false religion. The only thing that can make us acceptable before God is Jesus Christ who loved us and gave himself for us.
Remember: Receiving Jesus Christ is the only way to receive God’s blessing.

Receiving Jesus Christ is the only way to receive God’s blessing.
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