You Were Made For Something Better

Sep 7, 2017 2438

Radio Version:

You Were Made For Something Better

Do you ever feel like what you’re doing is pointless?

I know the feeling. I once went in way over my head to buy a new car, worked for a year just the pay the interest, and then had to sell it at a huge loss.

It’s the rat-race, where no one ever really gets to the finish line!

In the Bible, the people of God were slaves, and they were made to make bricks without straw. You couldn’t make bricks when the straw was missing! It’s like being asked to make sandwiches without bread!

But God had called his people for something better. And that’s why he brought them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land.

So if you’re feeling like something’s missing from your life, well… perhaps you’re right!! The Bible says that,

if the Son sets you free, you are truly free (John 8:36).

Because you too were made for something better!

Eliezer Gonzalez

You Were Made For Something Better

You were made for something better!

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