You Will Shine Like The Sun
Oct 8, 2019 1670
Radio Version:
You Will Shine Like The Sun
I was recently looking at some photos of my children when they were little. I was struck by how much they had changed, and how I could never have known how they would turn out. It’s the same with us as Christians. How things look for us today doesn’t even predict what we will be in Christ in the future.
Jesus tells us that although right now God’s children are lumped in together with those who reject him, one day,
The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father (Matt 13:43, NIV).
So, be encouraged, and choose Jesus!
What you see around you today is not the way that things will be forever. If you are a friend of God, his destiny for you is so glorious, that when Jesus thought of you, there was only one way he could describe it….
Remember: You will shine like the sun!

What you see around you today is not the way that things will be forever.
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