Young Man With Leprosy Rejected By His Relatives But Accepted Into The Family of God

Apr 23, 2023 1744

Young Man With Leprosy Rejected By His Relatives But Accepted Into The Family of God

Kotaya is a 23 year old man from the village of Pedana, India. He is sick with leprosy and has been suffering for years. All the people who have been living around him are fearful and they asked me to leave by using force. He has been crying and did not know what to do.

It is God who sent me to Kotaya to talk to him and pray for him and share the Holy Gospel and how Jesus healed people with leprosy. Then he got courage and faith in Jesus. He had never heard about Jesus and did not know about the Holy Gospel. He was born and brought up in a tribal family and tribal people who do not worship any God. Their main work is to go and collect dust garbage materials, and they catch snakes and frogs to eat.They do not have houses and places to live.

It is God who sent me to Kotaya to talk to him and pray for him and share the Holy Gospel and how Jesus healed people with leprosy.

This young man was born into that family and he was born healthy but five years ago he got leprosy. He has been suffering from lack of food and other things. He has no one and no proper food and he has been living in a hut and no one is there to look after him. His parents died and his relatives sent him out of their huts. So he has no one in his life.

I shared the Holy Gospel and prayed over him and helped him as I could. He is happy only in Christ Jesus. Only Jesus can do healing and feed him and provide him with whatever he needs. For with God all things are possible. So please pray for his daily food needs and other items.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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