Your God is a Mighty Warrior

Nov 24, 2016 4830


There’s times when we all feel so down and out, that the picture of the “gentle Jesus, meek and mild,” isn’t quite what you we need. But did you know that the most prevalent image of God in the Bible is of God as a warrior?

Those aren’t the parts of the Bible that a public relations company would use to promote Jesus. But repeatedly in the Bible, we see God defeating his enemies, even entire armies at times, and generally actively using force when at his own discretion. To understand this, we need to look at three things: 1) for whom God fights; 2) why he fights 3) how he fights.

1) For Whom Does God Fight?

God fights for his people when they are overwhelmed with evil. The words,

The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name (Ex 15:3, NIV)

were sung by Mirian after the Children of Israel had crossed the Red Sea. They had been trapped with the sea in front of them and the whole army of Egypt behind them, intent on their destruction. Entirely defenceless, they could not help themselves. So Moses said to them,

The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still (Ex 14:14, NIV).

The most prevalent image of God in the Bible is of God as a warrior.

The Lord fights for the helpless, for the oppressed, and for all the meek of the earth who recognise their helplessness, and who put their trust in him.

2) Why Does God Fight?

God fights because “God is love” (1 John 4:8). It is in his essential nature to love, and so it is in his nature to fight for those whom he lives. Love fights for his own.

God doesn’t fight for those who are “good.” He doesn’t fight for the deserving. Because he loves all, he fights for all. However, he is especially able to fight for those who see their need, and give him permission to fight on their behalf.

3) How Does God Fight?

God uses every weapon at his disposal to ensure that love wins and evil is defeated. And all the weapons in God’s armoury are weapons of love (Song 2:4).

God’s biggest fight is to draw the hearts of men and women away from sin, and to his own heart (Jer 31:3, NKJV).

Often, real victory looks like defeat. The clearest image of God as a warrior is Christ at Calvary. See his arms outstretched in love. Hear his victory cry, “It is finished!” See him bow his head and die. He proved once and for all that “love is stronger than death” (Song 8:6).

The clearest image of God as a warrior is Christ at Calvary.

It was there at Golgotha, with a cross for a throne, and thorns for a crown, that Christ established a kingdom that will never be defeated, and a reign that will have no end. How? Because God’s wisdom is greater than our wisdom.

I need to remember, in the toughest times of my life, when I see no way out, that

The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name (Ex 15:3, NIV).

I will call on his name, he will fight for me, and I will overcome! – Eliezer Gonzalez

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