100 Elderly People Accept Jesus Into Their Lives

Jul 5, 2019 3596

100 Elderly People Accept Jesus Into Their Lives

Pr Joseph stands with some of the people who have joyfully made a decision for Christ.

Every month we conduct Gospel meetings in the Good News Divine Centre. So by conducting Gospel meetings, 100 elderly people accepted Jesus into their lives and they are so happy in Christ at their old age. It is at the end of their life that they live.

The elderly people come from seven villages – Venanapudi, Pedda Veerivada, Nandiwada, Koduru, Bapujee Nagar, Danialpet and Thumalapale. In the villages no one cares for them and their sons and daughters left them and went away somewhere. So these people live in huts without hope and no aims for the rest of their life. They eat what they have and drink and sleep. Many of the people in the villages think that these elderly people’s lives are over and that they are good for nothing. But God wants these people at their age to be saved and enter into the Kingdom of God.

Many of the elderly people are very poor and they do not have food. So weekly we provide food for all of these 100 people and share the Holy Gospel. We teach them to pray for their lives and we provide food after the prayer meeting.


All of these 100 elderly people are so happy in Christ Jesus


Many of the elderly people do not know about Jesus and the Holy Gospel. Some of them were born and raised Hindu. So it is through preaching the Holy Gospel to them that they came to know about Jesus. Some of them do not have Holy Bibles and some do not know how to read and write. So every week we preach the Holy Gospel and pray for their health and their problems. It is Jesus who has been leading and guiding us to do this work for the elderly people.

Some of these people have been suffering from back pains and some of them have been suffering from knees pain and some of them have been suffering from stomach pains and other sicknesses. God has been healing them and they are getting good health in Christ Jesus.

So through preaching the Holy Gospel to these people, many of them are accepting Jesus into their lives. All of these 100 elderly people are so happy in Christ Jesus. Thanks to Jesus.

– Pr Joseph Usala


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