30 Pastors and their Churches Join the Ministry of Good News Unlimited

Mar 20, 2015 1730

Village people flocking to hear Pr Joseph preach the gospel

Village people flocking to hear Pr Joseph preach the gospel

In recent weeks 30 pastors and their churches have joined the ministry of Good News Unlimited.

This has occurred in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India, where people are thirsting for the simple Bible truths of the gospel. These pastors have been drawn to the ministry of GNU through Good News Unlimited’s weekly gospel television programme in southern India. They love the gospel teachings they are hearing and want to play their part in sharing this wonderful message.

These pastors come from a range of Protestant denominations as well as non-denominational Christian churches, and together they represent many hundreds of Christians coming together with GNU so that the gospel might be spread fast.

Some of the pastors meeting together with Pr Joseph.

Some of the 30 pastors meeting together with Pr Joseph

As a result Good News Unlimited has appointed Pr Joseph Usala as Evangelism Coordinator, Andhra Pradesh, India.

GNU is not a church, but is instead a gospel ministry, dedicated to helping spread the Word of the Gospel fast through media, churches, and individuals who love the gospel. As a result, GNU does not seek to control these churches, which will remain entirely autonomous. Instead GNU will provide support to these pastors through training in evangelism, support, advice, and gospel resources.

In recent times the Lord has been doing miraculous things for the spread of the gospel through GNU. This is simply the latest miracle. We stand in awe and humility at what the Lord is doing so that His Word Spreads Fast.

– Eliezer Gonzalez


Eliezer Gonzalez

Jan 29, 2018

Dear Abhishek – We are very careful about which ministries we partner with, because we receive many requests for help, and we are unable to support all the needs of the Gospel. Please email me personally at Eliezer@goodnewsunlimited and we can continue the discussion. Tell me more about your ministry and what you do. Grace and peace – Eliezer Gonzalez

Abhishek Darshan

Jan 27, 2018

Greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. This is pastor Abhishek Darshan from North India working as evanglist in North India. I've done bachelor of theology as well bachelor of sociology. I would like to ask you about evangelism project here in Ludhiana North India our focus is also on Evangelism with people of this country . Please help us for financial help to share our faith with people, who still hasn't heard about Jesus Christ. God may use us for his mighty purpose and His kingdom. Please send me further information about this discussion. Please send me details. We are eagerly waiting for your answer. Thank you

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