“I Am Becoming a Changed Man” – Cherson, Ukraine
Apr 11, 2016 1881
At a recent Gospel programme, Sergei, a vibrant man from Cherson, Ukraine has made a powerful decision. Sergei shares his experience:
I received a flyer advertising this programme from a friend. The flyer showed the titles of every meeting. I have come to every meeting from the first day.
At the first programme, the first message I heard was about the scientific evidence for the Bible from Dr Rodionoff. And then the next message was a spiritual message by Pr Eliezer. The words of the Pr Eliezer touched me powerfully.
When Sergei inspects his heart, he can see that he is changing.
When I sit in these meetings, Jesus Christ is so close to me! When I am here, my consciousness changes. And as a result, many things that I used to do before, I will never do again. I am becoming a changed man.
Sergei believes in the power of the Gospel messages and is grateful for GNU’s speakers traveling to Ukraine to share with all those in attendance. He says,
These programmes are very, very important. We are living in the last days, as I learned in these meetings , and many people need to hear about salvation. These messages are very important, and the people who came to us – our brothers from Australia – who bring us these powerful words from the Bible, help us to make decisions to stand on God’s side. I am so glad and so humbled that these people have come to us to bless us. We need to hear many more messages like these.
Through the power of the Gospel, many people just like Sergei are making conscious and sincere decisions to become followers of Christ. Sergei shares his testimony:
Today I have made a decision to accept Jesus as my personal Saviour. I had heard people talk about God many times before, but Pr Eliezer’s words were so very powerful, and the Holy Spirit touched my heart. It is as if the Holy Spirit pushed me toward God. It was very powerful. I have also understood that this blessing is not just for myself, but that I must work to share it with others.
Good News is spreading fast in Ukraine. Let’s continue to pray that our new brothers and sisters in Christ remain bold in faith as they begin to share Christ with others!
– Eliezer Gonzalez
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