A Father and His Family Find Jesus on TV – Yalamarru, India

Jul 19, 2016 1382

Sudhakar and Pr Jospeh

Sudhakar meets Pr Joseph to share his story and thank GNU for the gospel ministry.

One father led his family to watch a TV programme that changed their lives forever.  The GNU sponsored TV programme that appears once a week in India features Pr Joseph Usala preaching the gospel message.

Sudhakar was born into Hindu family practised Hinduism his entire life. But one day he happened to be watching TV in his home in Yalamarru when he saw the weekly GNU programme.

He enjoyed the programme and started to become inspired by the gospel message. Soon, he was watching routinely and never missed a Saturday showing. Wanting to share his newfound programme with the rest of his family, he urged them to watch the programme with him.  His family started watching together and all of them have been inspired to accept Christ as their saviour.

Sudhakar says that before his family knew about Jesus they faced many financial problems and were always stressed and anxious. Now that they know Jesus, they have peace to handle difficult situations. He says:

We did not know about Jesus before. After watching the GNU TV programme every week, I came to know about Jesus and I accepted Jesus. I asked my family to watch the programme with me and now they are also saved in Christ. We are so happy. I am grateful to GNU who have been helping so many to know about the Gospel. Thank you in Christ.

– Laura Stewart (with reports from Pr Joseph Usala)

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