A Hotel Cleaner Finds The Good News! – Flavia’s Testimony (Uganda)

Nov 10, 2015 1884


While cleaning a hotel room, Flavia discovered a book that has changed her life!

My name is Flavia and I am a very active member of a full gospel church in Uganda. I work in a hotel as a room keeper. Last July, I was blessed to be working on the first floor when Pastor David Kayumba was staying at my hotel.  God`s timing is always the best, and for me, the day I entered to clean their room was my time. No sooner had I entered the room than I found a book on the table.

I Sadly Returned the Book to the Table

Oh my God! The title of the book raised great interest in me (Jesus Only). Aware of my limited time in each room, I quickly opened the pages of this book. The book spoke to my heart more powerfully than any preacher has ever done. I realized that I had quickly read seven chapters, but there were many more to read.  I sadly retuned the book to the table and quickly started working, wondering how I will ever get this book. Next day I came very early to work hoping that I might get to see David before he left. And indeed my scheme worked well when I interrupted him at the elevator while he was talking on the phone.

I Told the Church About This Miracle

It was great surprise to me that when I spoke to him and I requested a book, he gave me 10 books!  Actually, I have been nurturing a group of 10 youths at home. And so when I went to church that afternoon I told the church members about this miracle and gave 2 books to my church. Everyone wanted to read the book!

I read the book and I jotted down every statement that spoke to my heart, and I later on shared it with my wider phone ministry (I minister to over 100 people each day via sms messaging). I don’t use a lot of money to do this. Imagine, I use only UGX250 (about 10c) to communicate to 100 people! With the book Jesus Only, I now have very powerful message, not only to share with my 100 people, but the message of this book is building me and turning me into a minister of better things. I love this book!

These Days I Pray For Opportunities to Share the Gospel

I am not really good at reading the Bible, but this book is so easy to read and it has the food for the soul. Every Saturday midnight has been my special time to pray. I had been praying for many things until I got this book Jesus Only. These days I pray for opportunities to share the Gospel.

A week ago, a church member who has two daughters was crying and praying that her daughters would get saved. And she called on me and told me that her daughters are beginning to show interest in church life and so she requested me to help her direct her daughters to Christ and nurture them. For me, this was an answered prayer. I have wanted to find people to convert through the message of this book. And so I once again read this book over and over. I wanted this book not only to fill my mind but also the message of this book to affect my life in a concrete way. Imagine, I have been around for a very long time in this church but it is now after I read this book that people think I have something to convert the young people with!

Before I got employed at the hotel, I used to enjoy door to door evangelism every Sunday. All that had stopped because of my job, and yet my hunger for evangelism did not stop. I have had the zeal, but without a message. It seems I have answers to questions because of this book.

Our People Are Now Speaking the Language of The Gospel of Grace

When I received more books, my work became much easier. When I was chosen to be the coordinator of cell groups for my church, I visited every cell and gave 2 books to each cell, and I have encouraged members to read and make copies and share this message. Soon everyone found out that this book must be shared. Our people are now speaking the language of this gospel of grace. Even our approach to peer counselling has changed because of this book. It is such an innocent and yet very powerful book.

Last Sunday I went to Kasangati Anglican Church to visit my brother and I discussed with his family about this book. I left two books with them and it has since done wonders, as many have borrowed it and made copies out of it.

The Devil Was Trying to Silence Me!

I had been using the phone to share the gospel, but since the time I got this book, I am using my mouth to speak and my hands to open pages of this book. The devil has not been happy about this. For more than two weeks I went around to different hospital to treat a strange illness.

While I was taking a cup of tea, I swallowed something like a metal. I started vomiting blood and my neck was bulging. When I went to the university hospital, the doctor referred me to another hospital. When I went to that hospital, the doctor checked and recommended surgery, but no one was available to do it. The doctor asked me for money to prescribe antibiotics.

Thank You People For Giving Me This Full Gospel!

After he gave me the prescription, I went out praising God. It had just dawned on me that the devil was trying to silence me. I went back home and bought the antibiotics. After a few days I went back to Mulago Hospital. And the hospital referred me to Kampala International hospital. This was beyond my reach. I decided to go back home.

A friend of mine met me and told me, “Flavia, you took nothing in that tea; you only started doing something for God that you have never done before.” The illness went away in a few days. God healed me, and I am witnessing about the gospel I learnt from this book Jesus Only. I have now discovered the real full Gospel. It is full in this book Jesus Only and everyone who has looked into this book can gladly embrace it.

Above all, thank you people for giving us this full gospel; moreover at no cost!

– Edited by David Kayumba

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