A Video Message from Des on His 87th Birthday

Feb 2, 2016 1650

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/drdesmondford/videos/530926587073969/” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

Peter Truscott

Feb 6, 2016

Thank you for teaching me the wonderful news of Righteousness by faith while I was a college student many years ago. This understanding has been a tremendous blessing throughout my life. God bless as you continue to live well and share Jesus' love.

Sid Tait

Feb 5, 2016

Happy birthday bro Des and may you continue to bless us with your anointed ministry Lots of love bro in Jesus we pray

pauline lubega

Feb 4, 2016

I love you Des. Happy birthday day. I hope my first massage went through Love Pauline

pauline lubega

Feb 4, 2016

Hi Des! No one has ever taught the Bible as you do. You are a man of God and a man with a spirit of God. You have proved to the World tha the Bible is a word of God and that religion is like a political party. Only those, who die with Christ at the cross. I listen to you every night, before I go to sleep. I wish I could hug you. I pray that I can ever meet you. I love you ? Happy birthday ? man of the most high. Love in Christ Pauline lubega

Peter Baartz

Feb 3, 2016

Well spoken Des-You are a very wise man and an extraordinary Bible Teacher-still bearing fruit when you are old still full of zap ,still green to proclaim The Lord is Just.It makes my heart sing and feet dance God is still blessing you with a disciples tongue Happy 87th I attended your talks for many years at Peachester On one occasion you called me George Peter Baartz Nambour

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