Cannibal Christians
Sep 13, 2017 2206
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Cannibal Christians
Jesus said some things that were, at face value, quite offensive within his own religion and culture. They’re even offensive today. I guess that’s one way of getting people’s attention when you’ve got something really important to say!
Here’s just one example. Jesus said,
I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you cannot have eternal life within you.
But Jesus wasn’t talking about being a cannibal! He was talking about true religion. What Jesus meant is that it’s got to be personal. Jesus was saying that you don’t receive eternal life by understanding concepts or by believing the right things, but instead by a personal and intimate relationship with him.
Jesus must be to us more important than the very food and drink that we have every day and whose nutrients feed our bodies. For those who embrace this, it means eternal life.
Religion’s got to be personal.
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