Come and Help Us at the Source of the Nile!

Sep 7, 2015 1775


Near the source of the Nile. Duncan Wood in the centre.

At a place near the mysterious source of the Nile, there is another mystery waiting to be discovered: the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ. Let me explain…

As the final meeting in our series of meetings in Kampala, Uganda, concluded, I was approached by a couple who asked if they could sit down to speak with me. Their names are Israel and Teresha Karahukayo. I was happy to oblige.

Israel and Teresha told me that they were both Christians, but now since they had heard the gospel and understood, they felt that God was calling them to share the gospel in their community.


A child in the Spring of Hope School says hello.

They told me that they ran a not-for-profit called Spring of Hope, Uganda, in Kangalumira, a remote area about two hours by car from Kampala – and near the source of the Nile River at Jinja. The purpose of their organization was to care for disabled children. This is an area where the gospel of Jesus Christ is barely known at all, and it also has a large Muslim population.

In Uganda, disabled children are neglected and abused, and at worst, abandoned and left to die, particularly in the rural areas. Spring of Hope provides a school for these children, as well as a medical clinic, and other care that they need. This care is both in the home, and residential at Spring of Hope.

Teresha and her family

Teresha, Israel, and their two daughters.

Teresha told me that she grew up in the United Kingdom battling against severe dyslexia and other disabilities, and even needed to have a full-time carer during part of her schooling. When she came to Uganda and married Israel, she saw the needs of disabled children there, and immediately understood and wanted to help. That is how Spring of Hope, Uganda was born.

Israel and Teresha told me that they were sharing the love of God already in the towns and villages in their area through their ministry, however they have the perfect opportunity through their organization to share the gospel as well. And they asked me if Good News Unlimited could help them do it.


Feeding the children at the school.

Could we help!!! That’s why Good News Unlimited exists!

The following day, we travelled with Israel and Teresha to Kangalumira, and saw for ourselves what their organization is all about, as well as the needs of the people. Duncan Wood shared the gospel with the staff and children at the Spring of Hope school. And we promised to be back.

Since then, we now have firm plans to make Kangalumira, the focus of a sequence of gospel-sharing events throughout the next 12 months. Good News Unlimited will do this in partnership with Spring of Hope, Uganda. We will be partners for the gospel.

David with children

Pr David Kayumba with some local children outside the Spring of Hope School.

All of this is possible because we serve a great God, who filled the hearts of Israel and Teresha with passion for the message of hope in Jesus, so that they asked, “Come and help us?”

Please pray for Spring of Hope Uganda, Good News Unlimited, and our joint gospel initiative. Thank you for your support in so many ways.

­– Eliezer Gonzalez

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