Daily Good News – Dipping Our Toes into the Ocean of Grace
Jun 26, 2015 1485
“From his fullness we have all received grace upon grace; as the Law was given through Moses, so grace and truth came into being through Jesus Christ” (John 1:16, 17).
These verses are the climax of the magnificent opening to the gospel of John. Here, John reminds us that the Law of God given to Moses is good. However, he goes on immediately to tell us that what Jesus Christ has brought to light is infinitely better.
For John, the coming of Jesus changes everything. The Old Testament pointed to the grace and truth that Jesus Christ has brought to light. But grace and truth were never manifested in the fullness of its objective reality until Jesus broke into this world. Think of it like this: without the New Testament, without the gospel, everyone who ever lived would be doomed to the misery of guilt, and a life and death without God. There would be no grace and truth in this world.
For John, truth is never an opinion. Truth is simply a doctrine. Truth is Jesus Christ. And grace and truth go hand in hand, for the truth that Jesus has brought into being is all about grace for sinners like you and me. It is all about the truth of what Jesus has done for us.
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